08 diciembre 2005


Mummy coming back from work

I started working just before Alexandra's 6th month. Just one course, nothing like the madness I went through during my pregnancy (then I worked 44 hours a week plus I was doing my teaching training!). So, I left my full time post, keeping the two part-time commitments ("los tigritos"), but accepted the unpaid maternity leave until April 2006 in one of them, so it's only one course of 2.5 teaching hours a week not including planning.
It has been very good because I love teaching (it's my true vocation, as all who know me well can vouch for), so I get my buzz of adrenaline every Wednesday and at the same time makes me feel that I'm contributing to society in a more immediate way than just being a mum (arguably, my contribution to society as a full-time mum could be realised through Alexandra, but it's not a very tangible or measurable thing, I don't think, it shouldn't even count since she is her own person and I can't expect her to "convey" my contribution to society).
Anyway, (I'm sidetracking here) additionally it gives Andy the opportunity to look after his daughter in a one-to-one basis, and likewise, also Alexandra gets the chance of being cared for someone else (who loves her just the same!). And it has worked very well for all of us. The only pitfall is that with all this adrenaline rushing, it's hard for me to wind down and go to bed early enough to have a proper rest before the next feed, which, although it seems it will be hours away, I KNOW I will be exhausted when she wakes up.
Tonight I have an extra rush of adrenaline because I had 2 observers in my classroom and even though everything went really well, (or maybe BECAUSE everything did), I can't go to bed just yet.
All I can say now is: thank goodness it's just one more lesson before the Christmas break! Hurrah!

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