14 junio 2006


Guarderías - Nurseries

We went today to check out a second nursery because it seems there is a long waiting list in the nursery which would be our first choice. And even though it is going to be part-time (very part-time to begin with anyway), it can be heart-breaking going through the process of seeing where would your child spend their time away from you.
As I was telling one close friend of mine today, who's also been to see this place, I have to say that overall, I didn't like it very much. I didn't like seeing children sleeping on the floor (on mats, but on the floor) in the same room in which the rest of the children were playing and making noises. Alexandra is used to sleep in a dark room (not necessarily dead quiet, as I vacuum clean, have the washing on, etc) and I doubt she would even settle herself to "bed" in such environment. Having said so, she often falls asleep in the pushchair while on a noisy road, so who knows?. She might do OK. And maybe it is not that important since she would sleep at home afterwards, I guess.
I didn't like the outdoors area for her age group either. It was plain boring and not so big. Poor thing, she walked over to near the fence to watch the older kiddies playing in their garden.
I didn't like either that they spend their whole time in the same room (when indoors). She gets kranky if we stay at home all day (we're always going swimming, to the library, meeting friends, shopping or even for a walk in the park). Mmm.
On the other hand, I liked the possibility of being able to put her in only two or three afternoons a week (in most nurseries they set a minimum of five sessions, a session being a morning or an afternoon), and also the discount that we would get through Andy's work. Most definitely, I like the fact that there is availability for the days of the week I need. The staff seemed OK if a little bored, or maybe it's just my impression.
It ticks all the boxes but not my heart. I guess it's good for a plan B (which I need) but I feel rather dissapointed, I wish it was much better. It left me praying for a place in the other nursery. I'll keep you posted.

Sí, Meibell! Tengo un plan A que es una maravilla pero la lista de espera es larguísima y no me han garantizado lugar aún. Solamente necesito poner a Alexandra dos tardes por semana y por ello pensé "bueno, si me aseguro de que duerma bien en la mañana, sus dos horas, y luego al irla a buscar, acostarla antes de la cena...". ¡Una amiga hasta me hizo sentir culpable por acostumbrarla a dormir en la oscuridad! (su hija duerme whenever, wherever).
Pero estoy de acuerdo contigo, mi instinto de madre me dice que no. Y quizá por eso escribí sólo lo negativo de este lugar, que tiene muchas otras cosas buenas. Seguimos en la búsqueda.
We're going tomorrow to another nursery. Wish us luck, everyone!
Finalmente me confirmaron una plaza en la guardería que siempre queríamos. No sólo es la mejor en términos de tamaño, diversidad cultural del staff y niños (todos los avisos están en tres idiomas, uno de ellos español), sino que es la que más cerca me queda de la casa, así que puedo llevarla caminando también. Estará 4 tardes y una mañana.
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